With Steve, the dock hand, tossing our lines, we waved good-bye to Half Moon Bay Marina and made our way north enjoying the glorious views the Hudson River has to offer.
The following photos are some of the beautiful scenery along the Hudson, including the notable Esopus Meadows Lighthouse built in 1871.
After 7.5 hours we dropped anchor at Saddle Bags anchorage just off the Hudson. Although temps were in the 50's with rain and fog, we thoroughly enjoyed the day. A hot meal in my trusty iron skillet of kielbasa, rice and broccoli with chocolate chip pie for dessert (never forget dessert!) and we were ready to settle in for the night.
The next morning brought 60's and sunshine with more beautiful scenery. We prepared ourselves mentally for passing through our first lock at Troy, NY. I had called the Lockmaster beforehand to inform him we were coming and to ask which side to tie our fenders on to. Starboard. OK. Fenders out and ready to protect us from hitting the rough lock wall. Coming up to Lock 1 the light changes from red to green. Doors are opened and we enter the lock chamber. Lee brought Shangri-La up close so I could grab one of the many hanging lines along the wall with our boat hook. I shouted to Lee, "I've got a line!" He came out from the helm to the deck to grab another one. I'm at the stern and he's at the bow, each of us wearing gloves and holding tight to wet slimy lines as the lock chamber doors close behind us and the chamber begins to fill with water lifting us 27 feet. As the chamber fills, the water churns and wants to take Shangri-La off the wall. I'm pulling with all my strength to keep our 27 ton vessel from getting away from us. In my mind I'm thinking......OK, we've got 35 more of these locks! I CAN do this!
Chamber is filled and the doors open for our exit. Water has not calmed down and as Lee pulls us ahead, a fender gets hung up on the wall causing Shangri-La to scrape her rub rail along the wall until Lee is able to pull us off, a battle between man and current. They put rub rails on boats for a very good reason!
Only a half mile now to Waterford, NY and Lock 2 on the Erie Canal where we wait for the canal to open in a couple days. We tie up in front of the Waterford Welcome Center and settle our nerves from our most recent experience.
With the size of these cleats, I'm thinking some pretty large vessels tie up here! We are soon joined by many others who are also awaiting the Canal opening. There is never a lack of activity and conversation when we are among boaters. Everyone has a story to tell and sharing experiences is very entertaining to say the least! The town's people also stroll by and strike up conversations.
Photos below show the beautiful Waterford Welcome Center. Docks were full as folks anxiously waited for the grand opening. We met many Canadians who were on their way home going through the canal.
That night we walked six blocks into town to a little hole in the wall diner for cheeseburgers and fries. The bill was $10!! Cheapest meal we've had so far!
We have plans to leave Waterford on Thursday. Meantime, Lee is back to work today while I give the stern steps another coat of varnish, do laundry, fill our 300 gallon water tanks, swab the deck and put short ribs in the crock pot.
Have I mentioned lately how much I LOVE my life? Never one day the same as the last. Never! It is sometimes very challenging, both mentally and physically but the satisfaction of getting through those times is very personally rewarding. When a situation becomes difficult or threatening to us or Shangri-La, I can't say, "I quit". Or "I want to start over". Or "I'm hiding out down below". Nope! We stick it out and see the situation through doing our best to stay safe. We have chosen this lifestyle. It's what we do. We are all in. We never question our decision to do this.
Together we EAT LIFE!
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